Serving Up
Pilots with Employers and Wandsworth Schools to Help Young People Achieve Successful Careers in Hospitality and Catering



Pan Out is on a mission to change the way young people, teachers and parents view job  and career opportunities in hospitality and catering sector. Too often hospitality is seen as dead end & low paid – when the reality is that this can be far from true, presenting varied and interesting career paths both in the UK and internationally.  The breadth of career opportunities available in hospitality and catering, are in fact, huge.

What’s unique about this sector is its ease of entry, there’s normally an opportunity to join at any stage – from work experience to apprenticeships, or qualified with a degree to those with an entrepreneurial streak wanting to run their own business.

Through Pan Out we have connected and continue to connect leading industry employers directly with Wandsworth schools through 18 pilots. Each pilot is essentially an individual project which seeks to inspire and equip young people to gain a better understanding of how they can enter the hospitality & accommodation sector and prosper through a long-term career. The pilots are varied, in the same way the opportunities in the sector are broad – ranging from designing & branding street food to talks about the importance of hospitality in Football grounds, from Chef competitions to making beds in a 5 star hotel, we’ve covered a lot.


Created in partnership, Pan Out is funded by the European Social Fund – a strand of European Union to improve lives through skills development and finding jobs.

Rinova are leading the project in partnership with Wandsworth Lifelong Learning and Learn Train Recruit.

Read this blog by partner Learn Train Recruit to find out more.

Want to Get Involved?

If you’re an employer or industry expert and you want to help shape the careers advice given in schools, we’d like to hear from you. We welcome your interest and input, and there are still opportunities to be involved in some of our pilots. We can also provide you links, we can with motivated young people from the Wandsworth schools who are keen for work experience or apprenticeship opportunities in your hospitality business.

All our schools for this project have been selected and their involvement secured. We will be looking to expand on schools early to mid-2019.

The current project runs until March 2019.

If you would like to be involved, or would like to know more, please sign up below and a member of the Pan Out team will be contact you shortly.